The tradition started a long time a go when I was a little girl. We usually had a puzzle out on a card table at Christmas time, and whenever we wanted to we would sit down, either alone or together and put pieces in the puzzle. Whoever came over to our house during the holiday could sit down for a few minutes and visit and put the puzzle together. As the puzzle would progress and get closer to being finished, more of us would gather around the puzzle. Finally, when there were just a few pieces left to go there would suddenly be no more pieces, but several empty places in the puzzle! We would all ask each other, “Do you have one of those pieces?” We would each smile and say, “I don’t think so….”. This would go on until someone would finally put in the puzzle piece that they were hiding in their hand under the table. We were all trying to be the one to put the last piece in to complete the puzzle. Then we would all laugh and admire the puzzle, and be a little sad that it was all finished.
As my own family began, we also liked to play with puzzles. We had a few wooden puzzles and added to our collection over the years. As the children got older we began the tradition of putting out a puzzle at Christmas and putting it together over the holiday time too.

Here is one of our latest ones that we put together here in Bakersfield.

Want to try a puzzle for yourself? Just click on the picture of the fish. Here you go!
Dear Grammy,
I miss making puzzles. I used to live in Saluzzo. I went to the library with my mother. I made a puzzle that was in a book.
dear grammy
Hey Josie, great Blog and loved reading it. You are an interesting read. good for you.
Love John
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